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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Hmm I should really update this huh!! Thanksgiving, Alesia's Birthday, Alex's Birthday, Kadie's Birthday, Colten's 16th Birthday and Christmas programs at school's have all taken up my time and energy, Oh yeah and finishing Christmas shopping, decorating and special time with my honey.. WHEW!! I am BUSY Maybe after Christmas!! This is us at HOCKEY~!! I love hockey!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Something I forgot!
So I was reading some backed up email, newsletters I subscribe to etc. When I followed a link to a blog I have been meaning to visit, it is always in the newsletter and I never seem to have a moment to click. Well today it seems I had that moment and I clicked, and can I just say if everything happens for a reason I think I know the reason I was meant to click today.. This blog reminded me of something I forgot.
"Gratitude" The power of being positive, and thankful.
I am very thankful to live in this country, I am thankful for my daughter and her amazing although young views on life and politics, I am thankful for my job which allows me to have all the comforts I enjoy, I am thankful for my power bill for I know I had light to read with power to use my computer to connect to others and power to wash and dry my clothes. I am thankful for the gas bill for I know I had heat last night to keep my family warm and to cook us a fabulous meal. I am so very thankful for the love I receive everyday from my Brennin. I know how lucky I am to have his kind loving spirit in my life. I am thank for all our children and the joy and love they bring to us, and the lessons of patience. I am grateful to have the opportunities in my life I have had, and I hope to always be able to recognize the opportunities when offered and to be Thankful for all I have and all the universe is willing to extend to me. I am thankful for my annoying cat who teaches me calm behavior is best to get my point across and save the anger for the scratching post. I am thankful to all the people in my life with strong opp ions opposite of mine for teaching me diversity and love for everyone. I am thankful for this blog giving me the space to send my gratitude out to the world.
If you are reading this blog I challenge you to post your gratitude, set your heart a flutter with the Thankful's , Set your mind free, Fly with the lessons you are learning
Love & Light

Thursday, October 16, 2008
So much has happened since my last posting. I finally landed a job and I really like it. I am administrative receptionist to the project management team at Mountain States Steel. They have allot of jobs in Las Vegas and Los Angeles right now. It is really cool to see a project go from drawings to pieces of steel to a building or bridge when completed.
I have allot of pend up anger right now and don't understand why people are not more loving and tolerant of each other.
Everyone is different that is what makes us who we are, why do so many want us to think as they do and only they are right? I will be soo soo glad when the election is over, hopefully who ever wins the election will have the strength courage and knowledge to help our country and most of all support.
Everyone is different that is what makes us who we are, why do so many want us to think as they do and only they are right? I will be soo soo glad when the election is over, hopefully who ever wins the election will have the strength courage and knowledge to help our country and most of all support.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Late Night Visitors

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Humming Birds

We have so many cool things in our yard, Lots of Baby quail and sometimes a pheasant, In the winter we have Deer and we have even had a Raccoon running around, but the coolest thing is the Humming Birds they are so fun to watch. I found this nest in my neighbors tree, I had to climb a ladder to get this picture and the Mom was not Happy to have her children photographed.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Beautiful on the inside too

This is a picture of two of the most Beautiful women in the world. My Sister's sorta. They are actually my step sisters and cousins(long story) I love them very much. At different times in my life they have both been there for me. I have lived with them annoyed them and still I love them. Aren't they cute.. They have both been through some really crappie shit and still they have come out on top. They are both wonderful amazing mom's to their beautiful children, They each have very loving husband's (second time is the charm) I can only hope to live up to the example both of them have been to me. I Love you Both so much and admire all you are and are yet to become.. Now which one of us will be a GRANDMA first? LOL!!! I am betting on Paula. but who knows. Thanks for all your love.
Friday, May 16, 2008
WOW !! Way to Go Lauren!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Look what happened to US in Vegas
While touring the Butterfly garden at my favorite Casino the Bellagio, I ask Brennin for my camera to take a picture of the awesome butterflies in the conservatory.
When I turned around he was on one knee and my Mom,was crying. He said he doesn't want me to be his girlfriend anymore he wants me to be his wife.. Right on that bridge. I started to cry, of course you know me. He said he loves me and wants to make it official, and give me his heart. I of course said YES! So we are engaged. Here is the beautiful "Pink" sapphire ring with custom shamrocks and diamonds on the side.

Thursday, March 6, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
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