So I was reading some backed up email, newsletters I subscribe to etc. When I followed a link to a blog I have been meaning to visit, it is always in the newsletter and I never seem to have a moment to click. Well today it seems I had that moment and I clicked, and can I just say if everything happens for a reason I think I know the reason I was meant to click today.. This blog reminded me of something I forgot.
"Gratitude" The power of being positive, and thankful.
I am very thankful to live in this country, I am thankful for my daughter and her amazing although young views on life and politics, I am thankful for my job which allows me to have all the comforts I enjoy, I am thankful for my power bill for I know I had light to read with power to use my computer to connect to others and power to wash and dry my clothes. I am thankful for the gas bill for I know I had heat last night to keep my family warm and to cook us a fabulous meal. I am so very thankful for the love I receive everyday from my Brennin. I know how lucky I am to have his kind loving spirit in my life. I am thank for all our children and the joy and love they bring to us, and the lessons of patience. I am grateful to have the opportunities in my life I have had, and I hope to always be able to recognize the opportunities when offered and to be Thankful for all I have and all the universe is willing to extend to me. I am thankful for my annoying cat who teaches me calm behavior is best to get my point across and save the anger for the scratching post. I am thankful to all the people in my life with strong opp ions opposite of mine for teaching me diversity and love for everyone. I am thankful for this blog giving me the space to send my gratitude out to the world.
If you are reading this blog I challenge you to post your gratitude, set your heart a flutter with the Thankful's , Set your mind free, Fly with the lessons you are learning
Love & Light

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