Thursday, January 13, 2011

Manna from heaven in 2011

New Year! New Decade! New ???
Manna from heaven is from the bible when god sent food to the Israelite but it is also, sudden good fortune and since all things are of the creator and life is what you make of it. I am sending into the universe Manna from Heaven in 2011. not just for me but for everyone.
I stopped making resolutions a long time ago and have a very hard time setting goals for myself. When asked "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I am always like WHY? Life always changes and things and people change the world I live in. I am never in control enough to make a 5 year plan. I always seem to be bored with a job after 3years and I think I am might be to obnoxious for people to be around after 5 years.
For the last 3 years I have made year motto's such as "Manna from heaven in 2011"
All that being said I have taken the last 13 days of this new year and been thinking a lot about what I want in my life. How to accomplish my 2011 motto.
Alesia is all grown up and Brennin's children do not live with us it is defiantly time to consider ME! Last August I start going to a Yoga studio and have really enjoyed getting back to me. A little to much I think I seem to always be putting Yoga before anything or anyone, not sure if that is selfish or addictive. I have not gone to Yoga over the last 13 days during this thinking process. However my thinking process is coming to an end. I have given myself a dead line to come up with what I want "in" my life and that is January 17th Martin Luther King day the day of service.
Like the Butterflies in the picture I am going to set my heart and mind FREE!
My motto for 2010 was Zen in 2010 which was why I went to the yoga studio, so to continue this into the new decade and to meet the new astrological cycle of 2012 When we leave the age of Pisces and enter the age of Aquarius I am going to EXPERIENCE JOY IN LIFE. Quit my "stink-in think-in" and do what brings me and Brennin JOY! Live in the Moment. Look past the drama and unkind thoughts and negative behaviors of others and live for US. Continue the path of getting fit and eating healthy to feel better and be better. This should accomplish some Manna from Heaven and prepare us for the age of Aquarius.

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