To some it up I miss our Kids. Alex moved to Provo with her Mom at her grandparents. They being Brittney Chace and Alex don't calls us or come by to see us. Brennin and I are trying to stay busy but I know he misses them as much as I do. When they do come with us it is so hard not to let our feelings of anger and hurt show. I think I am the worst at that. I just want things back the way they used to be. I miss Chace's silly faces and over exaggerated stories. I miss Alex's enthusiasm and hugs. I miss Brittney's thoughts and the way she sorts through the details to an end she understands.
I keep hoping this to shall pass. But the hurt is deep.
Alesia and Shel have moved in with us, They are engaged and are trying to pay off some stuff and save for there big day July 12th 2011. I am proud of them for thinking responsibly and working on getting ahead early in life. It is also giving Brennin and I the opportunity to get to know Shel better and so far I love the kid he is good to Alesia and trys to be very helpful around the house.
Lauren and Eddie are also engaged. They live in Boise and I can't wait to visit them for Lauren's birthday in Aug. We have only met Eddie once but he seems like a nice guy and Lauren is happy really that is all we care about. She always seems to be so positive lately and I think she is smiling behind that giggle on the phone.
We love our children all of them and hope we will be the family we were a year ago. I miss the adventure and noise. Hopefully sooner than later. Space and time I guess..